I had a funny-ish dream this morning. It was a mix of present modern times and Fallout. The thing I remember at the beginning is that I was in an assembly room either at a college or a city hall. There some big meeting going to happen about something and there was a large screen set up to watch some sort of projector video. I was with my friend Will and his girlfriend (one that apparently my mind made up because he's single O.o; ). And he got all upset. He was sitting almost bleacher style, just a little above in the row directly behind me. His eyes kept moving to the right of him. When I asked what was wrong he says, "Benny's here."
In the dream that brought back the memories of my dream self. Benny, yeah I knew Benny. I knew why Will was upset about Benny being there, too. "It doesn't matter."
"He shot you!"
Then his girlfriend looked all surprised and goes, "you mean she's the Courier." Apparently the Courier had become a big news thing lately but no one could figure out who she was. I don't know if in my dream it had to do with a Chip or if there was some other reason the dream Benny shot me.
"Well, somebody has to be." I muttered and looked over to where Benny was sitting. He immediately caught my gaze and gave me this big charismatic smile, which I actually returned. Then we started to talk, banter back and forth. I wish I could remember what was said because it was really funny. We were flirting with each other.
Then the people who had called the meeting of the --town, college, whatever the fuck?-- came in and started the showing. I don't remember what was talked about. When it was over I intended to catch up with Benny and talk to him, but he slipped through the crowd and disappeared. I was disappointed.
Later I was with my friend Tsugi and we were at an old building. This was apparently a place we had been to before and were surprised when we suddenly found a group of ghouls living there. At first we got into an argument because they wanted us to go away, but we argued and said this had been our place to hang out for a very long time and we could share it. So we agreed to stay out of each other's way, which got really difficult because for some reason I started getting this terrible crush on one of them.
Time passed apparently and suddenly I was in the passenger seat of a dream-friend's car and they pulled into the driveway of this old house with a worn wooden fence around it. I got the feeling we weren't supposed to be there because she told me to make it quick and that she wanted to get out of there. I grabbed my backpack (which is weird because I don't use backpacks) and jumped out and went through the gate beside the house into the back area. When I got back there the dream house had the backyard of where I actually live now, and I got the impression I had lived here once but had moved recently and someone else moved in. In that "backyard" which was more like this huge piece of land that belonged to the house, was the building that me and Tsugi always hung out in. When I entered that building I noticed that a lot of our stuff was still there and I started to collect it, but not before I left a note, written in sharpie, for the Ghouls that stayed there. In the dream they had two places that they stayed and I had happened to come back when they were in the other place so I couldn't talk to them.
I wrote to them saying that if they needed any help to come find me. There were three lines but I can't remember the third. I then left it on the table near the step ladder that led up to the second floor, hoping they'd see it. I actually think the real reason in my dream for returning there was not to get our stuff but to see them and I was really sad they were gone and that I couldn't stay and wait for them.
On the way out I realized that I heard voices and dream-friend was talking to someone on the otherside of the gate, owner? maybe. The memory that there had been some sort of murder lately cropped up in my mind, but I don't know if I knew anything about it personally, was looking into it, or perhaps had even caused it. Before I could go back through the gate I woke up. Never did find out if I got together with my dream-ghoul. (Haha, that can have two meanings!)
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