Once more I find myself up at an early hour without sleeping contemplating my writing. My mind is constantly buzzing with new ideas and old and sometimes it is hard for me to sort through and prioritize which ones need to be worked on and which ones I need to set aside for a later date. Its kind of like fanfiction ADD where I end up getting a new idea and I'm all "pretty shiny!" for a little while and then get off track of my other stories and then I'm totally screwed in the productivity department. Lately I've been trying to make sure that I at least get the stories I've already posted on updated, albeit not as quickly as I had been in the beginning of my long-time coming come-back from absence. At least I haven't completely tapered off into nothingness, which is a definite plus!
As of now I'm in the middle of trying to organize my thoughts on my current stories as well as new ones that are coming to me. I think once I do that I will know where I want things to lead. I know that sometime in the future "Son of Mars" will be receiving a fairly sizable overhaul, but for now I will remain to write it as is to give me a basis to start with when I do the extended cut version of it. Its the only story I'm writing as of now that has no real plot timeline already written out so I'm basically going chapter to chapter on this one and I think it really shows -- at least to me. >> Of course I think that just about everything that I write needs to be rewritten at some point, maybe that's the writer/editor in me that things something has to be gone over a million times before its ok and even then still ran through the ringer a few more times. Honestly I think sometimes I get a little more lax in my fanfiction department of writing just because I have so much fun with it.
Roar. Full list of totally will work on I promise stories coming later.... this week? Maybe... I'll try. Love you guys... if there is anyone reading this. LOL.
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