Thursday, December 5, 2013


So I've been working today.  After a few months of not having internet access because my laptop's wireless doodly isn't working I finally got an ethernet chord from a friend for an early Christmas gift and can get back into reading fanfiction and... writing it.  I find immersing myself into whatever I'm writing helps me the most and its hard to get into the groove when I can't get online at times.  While I'm reviewing Imperium and Son of Mars I figured I might write a few one-shots to get back into writing and I found a prompt on the Fallout Kinkmeme for Caesar and I started on it.  Hopefully I will have it finished in a few days, but as of now I am truly excited to be back writing something.  I hate it when I'm gone for long periods like this time, but i can't control when my depression will force me into exile.  Meh.

I have also accumulated a new fandom for which I am excited to try to tackle.  It won't be as prolific, maybe just a few stories, but i really want to do something with it.  And that's Sherlock.  I finally watched it and I love the hell out of it.  The relationship between Sherlock and John Watson is fascinating to me and I've always been a great big Sherlock Holmes fan so I'm going to enjoy mucking around with this new take on it.  Hopefully they'll turn out well.

I just figured I'd make a quick post while I was working on the blog a bit to remind myself to get my ass moving.

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