Sunday, October 21, 2012


Slowly trying to figure out the changes I want to bring to this blog to make it more streamlined and useable.  I swear this blog looks like the digital version of my room - junk strewn about everywhere!  I keep telling myself that I can work better and think better if I just cleaned up everything, both online and off, but that's easier said than done.  Sigh. 

Halloween is coming soon.  I wanted to write something Halloween inspired or related but I don't know if I'll get to it although I want to, but I have Imperium to polish up and a Kinkmeme prompt to get working on.  Finally trying to fill one of those and I've chosen a Skyrim one of all things.  I spent so long bitching about Skyrim and now that I've played it I actually like it.  I hope there are some readers who like the Dark Brotherhood and Cicero, for that's going to be the environment of the prompt I'm filling.  So, any Cicero fans out there?  =^.^=

Dunno if anyone reads this stuff, but I'll keep writing anyway.  For anyone that does, what are you dressing up as this year and what are your halloween plans?